Is AI damaging children’s knowledge?

Gary Wood

Gary Wood

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I will be the first to say I am all for technological advancements. They’re exciting, and our children’s future possibilities are endless. However, like with all things, are we running before we even walk?

AI is becoming increasingly popular across the world. It’s brilliant for day-to-day administrative tasks. If you want a recipe for chicken soup or a poem for a loved one’s birthday card, ask ChatGPT.

However, as AI becomes more popular among teachers, we must proceed cautiously, especially when planning lessons and creating resources.

The danger of misinformation

Last week, I asked one of my curriculum team members to use AI to create a timeline of significant aviation pioneers and explorers. While the timeline was generated quickly and most appeared accurate, including Captain Birdseye (he of the frozen fish fingers) on the timeline was a clear sign that AI could not distinguish between real-life historical explorers and those imagined.

While you rightly will say this error was easy to spot, the following example was not. A second colleague used the same platform to generate the life story of aviator Bessie Coleman (the first African American woman to stage a public flight in America). At first glance, the result was fantastic: a biography with just the right amount of detail for the Y3 class. Yet, on closer inspection and with some background reading, it was apparent that the AI had included aspects of another female aviator’s life, Emilia Earhart’s. The AI could not distinguish between the two, probably due to their stories being intertwined elsewhere on the internet. It took my colleague reading and checking both women’s life stories to pick up the error. But what if she hadn’t?

So, what is the answer?

While AI certainly benefits those teachers wanting to save time (especially when creating lessons or resources for topics we may feel less confident with), we must still ensure that any content generated is accurate and age-appropriate. So, if AI still requires teachers to monitor what it produces, what other alternatives exist for fast, accurate planning and resourcing?

Quick Teach

That’s where Quick Teach is different. When we say AI regarding Quick Teach, we mean actual intelligence. Unlike AI platforms, Quick Teach is an advanced search tool which houses hundreds of essential national curriculum resources. Every resource on this platform has been created by experienced teachers, subject experts and educational designers. The resources are expertly written, professionally edited, fact-checked, and mindfully designed. Perfect for busy teachers, PGCE, ECTs and home schoolers who want instant, best-quality help. No misinformation. No misconceptions.  

Exceptional value

So, what is the cost of Quick Teach? Believe it or not, it’s much less than the two coffees I’ve consumed while writing this blog. At a very reasonable £7.00 a month for four year groups, it’s also probably far less than that Uber you take home from a night out. And you don’t have to worry about being tied into lengthy contracts either because you can cancel your subscription when you don’t need it and resubscribe when you do. So, students, you can sign up during school placements and cancel when you’re done. You can even sign up for a free trial to see if Quick Teach works!


While AI can generate massive amounts of content quickly, it also produces materials that require additional verification. We know that relying solely on AI for resources may result in inaccuracies or materials that do not fully align with the national curriculum. Quick Teach addresses these issues head-on, providing anyone, anywhere, teaching the English national curriculum with fact-checked, curriculum-focused resources they can trust.

Here’s a sneak peek of everything Quick Teach has to offer

Curriculum-aligned content

One of the main advantages of Quick Teach is the quality assurance embedded in every lesson plan or idea and each resource. Unlike AI-generated content, which can sometimes be hit-or-miss, Quick Teach resources undergo thorough checks to ensure factual correctness and alignment with the English or Welsh national curriculum. This means teachers can use the lesson plans and resources confidently without double-checking for errors. This focus on quality control and curriculum relevance ensures that every lesson is of a high standard, supporting children’s learning without compromise.

Time-saving technology

Quick Teach offers an array of lesson plans, activities, and resources designed to be ready to use as soon as they’re downloaded. You can find lessons and resources specific to each subject area or learning objective within seconds. The user-friendly interface enables everyone, even those of us who are not techy, to quickly locate what you need without spending hours on preparation. Whether you are looking to reinforce core concepts or provide engaging materials, Quick Teach delivers content that’s both relevant and ready for use.

Consistency across classrooms

A unique strength of Quick Teach is its commitment to providing children with a consistent learning experience. The resources on Quick Teach are part of a fully sequenced curriculum rather than random resources that other online platforms offer. This means over time; you can build on what children have already learned. To achieve consistency across your whole school, you can even purchase a school licence, so consistency runs from year group to year group.

User-friendly and teacher-centric interface

Quick Teach’s intuitive interface is designed with teachers in mind. Easy to access from any device with intuitive categorisation by curriculum key stage, topic or objective finding what you need is effortless. Each resource is clearly labelled and comes with instructions for implementing it in the classroom best, taking the guesswork out of planning.

View progression

Unlike other resource platforms, with Quick Teach you can see how topics progress across the curriculum by seeing previous and next steps in learning.

Free trial

You can try Quick Teach out for yourself to see how it can assist in your everyday teaching practices with a free 5 day trial.